Our History

In 1996, feeling uncomfortable cycling on roads in urban areas was the expected norm. It felt unsafe crossing bridges and major roads to get from one community to another, and accidents weren't unusual; streets were designed almost solely for motor vehicles.

HUB Cycling (formerly the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition) was formed with a vision that the cycling community could have a significant impact working together across Metro Vancouver for better roads and connections, protected bike lanes, and better rules, laws, and education to make cycling a lot better in the region.

Starting with successes like bikes on transit and bridges, and more bike-related signage, signals and separated paths and lanes, HUB began to make an impact on the network, as the community became a growing membership. In 2006, we ran our first public cycling education courses, now called Streetwise Cycling Courses. In 2007, HUB hosted its first Bike to Work Week in Metro Vancouver, and soon we became known for not just action but also education and events.

Today, there are ten Local HUB Committees, representing 18 Metro Vancouver communities, each with a primary focus of working with local communities and governments to keep cycling growing.


HUB Cycling Historical Timeline



  • HUB Cycling is instrumental in the release of the BC Government's first-ever Active Transportation Strategy
  • HUB Cycling provides feedback on the BC Active Transportation Design Guide
  • Vision for the future released as part of TransLink's Transport 2050





  • Launch of new bike registry to protect against bike theft called Project 529
  • Cycling improvements accelerated across the region with infrastructure wins like the Port Mann Bridge bikeway opening and Stanley Park Causeway cycling safety improvements


  • HUB worked on improving ICBC driver’s training and testing standards to include more information on interacting safely with cyclists
  • Construction began to widen bike paths on the Iron Workers’ Memorial Bridge


  • Launch of the inaugural Bike Friendly Business Awards, now known as Bike Awards


See our accomplishments from 2012 to 1996 here.