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  • Particular demographics are more likely to use active transportation when they're safe, separated infrastructure

    Meeting Date:

    Staff Recommendation to Remove Active Transportation Lanes from Broadway Road Design

    And do we know in Vancouver through studies, if particular demographics are more likely to use active transportation when they're safe, separated infrastructure as opposed to being mixed in with cars?

  • Our transportation and climate goals are to get more people into active transportation

    Meeting Date:

    Staff Recommendation to Remove Active Transportation Lanes from Broadway Road Design

    Great. And it's our transportation goal and climate goal to get more people into active transportation

  • Families or seniors are unlikely to use off broadway routes

    Meeting Date:

    Staff Recommendation to Remove Active Transportation Lanes from Broadway Road Design

    And my last question is for councillors who maybe don't ride 10th or 7th or 8th very often or haven't in a very long time, can you just give us a bit more of a sense of why families or seniors are unlikely to use those routes as often?