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  • Can we make Granville St. safe for Scooters and Bike Couriers?

    Meeting Date:

    Questioning Staff on Active Transportation Plans on Granville St.

    I see a lot of scooters and bike couriers along Granville. Have we looked at how it looks terrifying watching them weave among buses? Are there ways we can make that safer? How does Granville fit into the active transportation network?

  • People use active transportation when safe infrastructure is built

    Meeting Date:

    Staff Recommendation to Remove Active Transportation Lanes from Broadway Road Design

    Do we see an increase in people using active transportation modes when safe infrastructure is built?

  • Are there cost estimates to add active transportation after Broadway is rebuilt?

    Meeting Date:

    Staff Recommendation to Remove Active Transportation Lanes from Broadway Road Design

    I'm wondering if we have an estimated cost of adding active transportation lanes at the station blocks after we've done the resurfacing of those blocks with the province.