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  • Too steep to access Broadway businesses from Off-Broadway Bikeways

    Meeting Date:

    Staff Recommendation to Remove Active Transportation Lanes from Broadway Road Design

    My observation is that we're seeing an increased number of scooter and bike delivery people, especially on commercial streets. So my question is, how do we keep those folks safe?

    And additionally, one of the things I've heard is that the grade from Broadway, either up to 10th or down to eighth in a number of places is quite steep, even for scooters. And then of course, especially for seniors, families, non-electrified bikes. So happy to hear where we see those delivery workers and the expectations that people go up and down to off-Broadway between each errand stop.

  • Adding Active Transportation is an incremental cost if we do it now

    Meeting Date:

    Staff Recommendation to Remove Active Transportation Lanes from Broadway Road Design

    ... we're already proposing spending about 50 million to widen the sidewalks. And it's an incremental cost higher to widen them and add active transportation.

  • maybe it's easier to do it now ... than punt that sort of debate down the road

    Meeting Date:

    Staff Recommendation to Remove Active Transportation Lanes from Broadway Road Design

    I guess I'm wondering if you can speak to past examples in Vancouver where that direct decision to remove all the parking to add active transportation has been contentious. And I guess I'm trying to get to, maybe it's easier to do it now than open up that, then punt that sort of debate down the road.