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Our volunteers haven't identified significant quotes on biking issues from this elected representative in official meeting videos

Please see other information related to "Lenny Zhou" here:

  • Despite the increase in bike lanes, the number of people using bikes stays at 7%

    Meeting Date:

    Staff Presentation on Transportation

    ....So I think in the past 10 years, we have built a lot of bike lanes. I really want to see, you know, more people coming out and riding a bicycle, but for slide number 12, I believe it looks like the number of people cycling remain roughly the same about 7%. Do we know why is that? It seems like not aligned with the ideas from the community.

  • The City has applied for BC Active Transportation Grant Program funding

    Meeting Date:

    Funding Active Transportation along Kent Avenue

    I want to express my sincere appreciation to city manager and staff for this funding application particularly for the half million dollars for the Granville connectors I think during the UBCM in September so I asked the the minister of transportation and infrastructure Rob Fleming regarding the funding support for our Granville bridge upgrade project it was his suggestion that you know we should apply this BC active transportation grant so then I socialized with the city manager and asked for a follow-up so I really appreciate these quick actions from city staff in terms of submitting this grant application hopefully the applications goes well

  • Do we need a bike lane on Broadway now?

    Meeting Date:

    Motion to Remove Active Transportation Infrastructure from Broadway Project

    I think we are all on the same page of encouraging people to leave their cars, taking public transit, biking, and walking. The question here is, do we need a bike lane on this arterial road now, especially given the fact that a well-structured bike lane already exists on 10th and 7th? It's not like 10 blocks away.