Join the Board


As a member-based organization, HUB Cycling is accountable to its members and is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the membership.

The Board Development Committee (BDC) of the HUB Cycling Board of Directors is now soliciting applications for directors from across Metro Vancouver, especially outside the city of Vancouver. This year, we are seeking the following to help increase the diversity and breadth of perspective of our Board:

· people who represent marginalized voices, racialized communities and First Nations;

· new immigrants;

· non-English first language;

· single parents;

· temporary or permanent residents;

· living in precarious house conditions, low-income residents or persons facing financial barriers;

· persons living with visible and/or non-visible disability.


A button that reads: Apply Here

The deadline to apply is 10 AM August 20th.


Information Sessions - Register now

We encourage you to attend an optional virtual information session to learn more about the Board:

July 20th, 6-7 PM: REGISTER HERE

August 7th 6:30 - 7:30 PM: REGISTER HERE

contact if these times don't work for you and we can arrange a phone call.

Board of Directors Overview

Board Directors are elected by HUB Cycling members at the Annual General Meeting in September of each year.

Click here to see the current Board of Directors.

Skills & Experience Sought for Board in 2024

The Board Development Committee (BDC) of the HUB Cycling Board of Directors is now soliciting applications for directors from across Metro Vancouver, especially outside the city of Vancouver. This year, we are seeking the following to help increase the diversity and breadth of perspective of our Board:

· people who represent marginalized voices, racialized communities and First Nations;

· new immigrants;

· non-English first language;

· single parents;

· temporary or permanent residents;

· living in precarious house conditions, low-income residents or persons facing financial barriers;

· persons living with visible and/or non-visible disability.

HUB Cycling is committed to creating a welcoming, inclusive organization and to working with people and communities to support them to thrive and prosper. Diversity is integral to this commitment. Diversity among our members, volunteers, staff and the Board allows us to better understand, connect to, and respond to the needs of HUB members and broader communities.

To learn more about the organization’s diversity efforts, please click here.

Time Commitment

Board Directors are expected to spend 15 hours minimum per month on HUB Cycling work, including:

  • preparation for and attending Board meetings
  • corresponding by email and voting in electronic motions
  • fulfilling Action Items from Board meetings
  • participating in one Board committee (Regional Advisory Committee, Board Development Committee, and Operations Committee)

Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Typically we alternate monthly between virtual and in-person meetings which are held at the HUB office at 312 Main Street, Vancouver.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Board

The HUB Board steers the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as by making sure the organization has adequate resources to advance its mission. The activities of the board can be roughly broken into ten roles:

  1. Determine the organization’s mission and purpose
  2. Support the Executive Director and assess their performance
  3. Provide proper financial oversight
  4. Ensure adequate resources
  5. Ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability
  6. Ensure effective organizational planning
  7. Recruit and orient new Board members.
  8. Assess Board performance
  9. Enhance the organization’s public standing
  10. Monitor the organization’s programs and services

Board of Directors’ Liability

Board members are legally responsible for the activities of the Board. HUB maintains a comprehensive insurance policy with a $5 million limit for commercial general liability (including Directors) and a $2 million limit for other Director liability. Click here for general information about Board of Directors liability.