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  • There is one group at this table that has been pushing for fast action on the bike lane since they were elected, and it was not me

    Meeting Date:

    Motion to remove much of the temporary bike lane on Park Drive as soon as possible

    That is a rich and rather unfriendly commentary from my colleague. There is one group at this table that has been pushing for fast action on the bike lane since they were elected, and it was not me. There was one group that has been pressuring staff.

    They've been staying up night after night at your beck and call to come to solutions that you have imagined are problems, and they've been rushing around to get you your answers. And now I'm hearing from across the table that we haven't had enough consultation. I mean, it's outrageous that we would end up at this stage.

    And, you know, I don't know if the commissioners know this, but there is going to be a tremendous cost if your organization, the political group that you're affiliated with, has been making decisions that are not in the public realm. I am more than happy to take the time to sort out the bike lane and to do all the consultations. The only part would be removing the temporary bike lane that's there now.

    That would be outrageous to push forward under your driving terms. Anyways, I am shocked, and there's going to be real consequences to this. You have a huge opportunity here to do the right thing, and it looks like it's slipping away.

  • ABC commissioners have previous agreement on motion to remove the Stanley Park bike lane

    Meeting Date:

    Motion to remove much of the temporary bike lane on Park Drive as soon as possible

    I am, you know, with all respect to my colleagues, I seem to sense there's a lot of previous agreement that this motion is going to come forward in this way. And I don't think that that is legitimate in the public court that we should be proceeding this way on this important motion without going to committee and hearing from the public and then having six commissioners who somehow are ready to agree to a substantial amendment to a complicated motion that we, that I have been exposed to for the past six minutes. I think it's, I think it's extraordinary we would even be considering this now.

    And I'll point out, you know, above all, option C does not solve any legitimate problem. There is no problem that it solves. The access to the park is fully viable all the way through the park.

    And if this is something that we are seriously going to regret, my colleagues, if we support, if we vote in favour of this particular motion.

  • you're taking out 30% of the bike lane around the East side because of occasional rare backup at the aquarium and horse and carriage?

    Meeting Date:

    Response to staff presentation on Stanley Park temporary bike lane options. Report back

    Right, well, if I don't think those are legitimate backups, legitimate problems, if I think those are incredibly temporary problems, is it correct that you are proposing in option A to take out 30% of the bike lane around the east side because there's occasional rare backup at the aquarium and occasionally behind the horse and carriage? Is that how I'm to read the difference here?