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  • Minimize traffic diverted to Bidwell and Lord Roberts school from the West End Waterfront Plan

    Meeting Date:

    Imagine West End Waterfront Plan

    I'm just noticing with the transit one that we've got it stopping at Davie-Bidwell, just north of that. We've got somewhat of a traffic calming area, but I'm wondering if the city would be working on ensuring that that school, Lord Roberts, has some sort of safe street opportunity on Bidwell to ensure and to help encourage and support safe non-motorized transportation for students and families to get there, and also to minimize the traffic that might be diverted up through there from more users coming into this area.

  • I think the city made itself very clear that it does appreciate safe cycling, but that there's a process around it

    Meeting Date:

    Questioning to Staff Presenting the Stanley Park Mobility Study

    The time frames that we were looking at in the presentation are quite long.

    This seems to offer a renewed look at what can be done in a practical way. I think the city made itself very clear that it does appreciate safe cycling, but that there's a process around it, and I think the issue the first time around was the lack of transparency when that decision was being made, whereas I think on this occasion, the staff is getting it right by providing a lot more visibility and listening, so I appreciate the effort the staff have gone into and the detail with their grand vision.