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  • Staff are arriving by bus and families are getting kids around on cargo bikes in East Van and other parts of the city

    Meeting Date:

    Eliminating Onsite Parking Requirements for New Child Care Facilities

    I would love to see us get to a place where we don't have onsite parking requirements for child care. I know increasingly in the neighbourhoods where I have had children in child care, that a lot of families are arriving on bus or a lot of electric cargo bikes these days, getting kids around in East Van and in other parts of the city. It's just that what I see most in my own bike rides is families getting their kids around in East Van, but know that fewer people are driving, certainly at the challengingly low rate that ECEs make.

    A lot of the staff that I know who work in child care centres are taking public transit. They're not driving. So would love to see us get to a place where we're removing that barrier and making it much easier.

  • 40Kms/h around schools is making a bit of a difference, but 30 would make a bigger difference

    Meeting Date:

    Transportation, Public Space and Street Use Update

    So I also am curious to hear the 40 kilometer speed reductions on arterials near schools. We're hearing good response. We hear good response, but actually what we hear is it's making a bit of a difference, but 30 would make a much bigger difference.

    The stats in the presentation show that that reduces deaths. So I'm wondering what options exist to go further on that front.

  • What's the plan for pedestrian and bike access during Beach Avenue construction?

    Meeting Date:

    Report to Council on Imagine West End Waterfront Parks, Beaches and Transportation Vision

    What's the plan for how pedestrian and bike access is continued through that time? So we don't have some long winding bike re-routing for a long period of construction on such a busy route.