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  • Compact complete neighborhoods that people are yearning for

    Meeting Date:

    Broadway Plan Presentation

    Increasing density, compact neighborhoods, the complete neighborhoods that are compact neighborhoods, but the complete neighborhoods that people are yearning for. I mean, it's wonderful to live in the West End where you can literally walk to absolutely meet every need that you have. That should be the case throughout our city.

  • Reallocating 11% of road space for non-car use...and some of this is gonna get done this term

    Meeting Date:

    Broadway Plan Presentation

    Reallocation of 11% of our streets. Again, just I think a visionary policy which came out of last term is embedded in this plan. Staff outlined for us it will involve residents and some of it's gonna get done this term, which I'm super happy about.

  • Reallocating 11% of road space for non-car use ... love to see that

    Meeting Date:

    Broadway Plan Presentation

    Turning to public realm. 11% of road space for non-car use. Love to see that that's going to be one of the things we're working on.