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  • Which of the new cycling routes, have the greatest ability to shift people into using active transportation?

    Meeting Date:

    Staff presentation on implementation of climate measures

    Which of the new cycling routes, you've probably done this analysis, I'm curious, which ones do you think have the greatest ability to shift people into using active transportation who currently aren't? In other words, reducing car use or, yeah, reducing car use. .... Okay, that's good, good to know. And especially because we wanna pursue some provincial funding for this. So that's great, thank you.

  • The cycling community has raised Kent Ave. as a very dangerous route

    Meeting Date:

    Funding Active Transportation along Kent Avenue

    .. there are so many people in the cycling community who have raised Kent Avenue as a very dangerous route one that really can allow speedy travel through the through the city and so and and connections over to burnaby so I think it's a a good suggestion to have staff really look at this for funding.

  • We are missing our goals. We are not getting to the reductions that we need

    Meeting Date:

    Emergency Action Plan on Climate Change

    Our 2050 objective being net zero in terms of GHGs. But to get there, we need very focused action that action is outlined in our climate emergency action plan around zero emission buildings, active transportation, land use like walkable neighborhoods, low carbon construction, restored ecosystems. However, we are missing our goals.

    We are not getting to the reductions that we need to. And we have said that we are aiming to. And in part, one has to question then what is it we need to enable us to get there in my mind, in any, in any business, in any nonprofit society, in any operation, one has to have a clear plan with actual real measurable.

    Activities, a report on those activities in a timely way so that you can adjust those activities. If they're not meeting your goal, that is what my motion is about saving a carbon budget, making sure that we get the, the actual line by line items with associated reductions in GHG.