Select Quotes & Clips

  • Too steep to access Broadway businesses from Off-Broadway Bikeways

    Meeting Date:

    Staff Recommendation to Remove Active Transportation Lanes from Broadway Road Design

    " of the things I've heard is that the grade from Broadway, either up to 10th or down to eighth in a number of places is quite steep, even for scooters. And... especially for seniors, families, non-electrified bikes"

  • Can we make Granville St. safe for Scooters and Bike Couriers?

    Meeting Date:

    Questioning Staff on Active Transportation Plans on Granville St.

    "I see a lot of scooters and bike couriers along Granville. Have we looked at how it looks terrifying watching them weave among buses? Are there ways we can make that safer? How does Granville fit into the active transportation network?"

  • What's the plan for pedestrian and bike access during Beach Avenue construction?

    Meeting Date:

    Report to Council on Imagine West End Waterfront Parks, Beaches and Transportation Vision

    "What's the plan for how pedestrian and bike access is continued through that time? So we don't have some long winding bike re-routing for a long period of construction on such a busy route."