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  • Are we incorporating good, stable bicycle lockups and accommodating micro mobility in new pedestrian areas?

    Meeting Date:

    Granville Street as a Holistic Street

    I think implicit in this is a real kind of thoughtful reconsideration around some of the street furnishings around Granville Street and stuff, which were a bit threadbare. How we, when we're talking about a pedestrian area, are we incorporating good, stable bicycle lockups, which is there is a dearth of on Granville Street right now, how we're accommodating a lot of the new sort of micro mobility, and especially in the context of deliveries and stuff. So there's a lot of great, really fantastic opportunity

  • induced demand .... give more access to active transportation

    Meeting Date:

    Staff Recommendation to Remove Active Transportation Lanes from Broadway Road Design

    Induced demand. So do we answer, so we're suggesting basically that if with a great street, we would be inducing the demand for people to have patios there or whatever and spend more time on Broadway. Would that same notion apply to giving more access to active transportation or giving more access to vehicular traffic?