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  • South Vancouver communities need safer pedestrian experiences

    Meeting Date:

    Addressing the ongoing inequities by improving social infrastructure and access to services across South Vancouver and Marpole neighborhoods.

    We've heard around concerns around transit I think that is a full-fledged advocacy with transLink that we need to look at I've heard about the need for safer pedestrian experiences, public safety and as well as sidewalk repair and I think a very legitimate call for more supports for the lgbtq2s+ community in the neighborhood so I think that by expanding our consultation and speaking to leaders in the community we are going to hear more about what this community needs.

  • Council enthusiastically supports developing a robust active transportation corridor in South Vancouver

    Meeting Date:

    Funding Active Transportation along Kent Avenue

    Kent avenue as we know is extraordinarily narrow and it has a lot of truck transport so having an ability to ultimately connect places like the river district with the marine gateway and the crossing over to richmond would be fantastic and so again it's it's a tall order but certainly it would be really good for this council to be expressing their enthusiastic support of a strategy to help us develop a robust active transportation corridor in that part of [Vancouver]

  • Wait until Broadway is built before adding active transportation

    Meeting Date:

    Staff Recommendation to Remove Active Transportation Lanes from Broadway Road Design

    ... my sort of final thought is, you're encouraging us to not go into two or three, but is it really boiled down to, we can't do everything with the street right now. We need to wait for it to get built before we can actually decide how we're going to be able to add all of that extra capacity.