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  • creating safer streets for people of all ages with intersection safety cameras

    Meeting Date:

    Vancouver Safer Street motion

    ......safer crosswalks and other safety infrastructure that we know makes our roads safer to walk, safer for people riding bicycles, or increasingly riding scooters, and safer for people driving.....

  • Council must support safer sidewalks and bike safety in South Vancouver and Marpole

    Meeting Date:

    Addressing the ongoing inequities by improving social infrastructure and access to services across South Vancouver and Marpole neighborhoods.

    ... I hope that the council will stand with them to shift this current and historic inequity and support residents across the neighborhoods of south Vancouver and Marpole in addressing the the many gaps you know from street lights and pedestrian and bike safety neighborhood houses and family places and library services social infrastructure for seniors and families and renters support in extreme weather public spaces tree canopy and more...

  • Active Transportation Infrastructure keeps micro mobility and bicycles off of the sidewalks and keeps pedestrians and delivery workers safe

    Meeting Date:

    Motion to Remove Active Transportation Infrastructure from Broadway Project

    In the conversation around the Broadway plan, walkability was a big priority. Having safe active transportation infrastructure improves walkability too because it keeps micro mobility and bicycles off of the sidewalks and in a protected space. Keeps them out of car lanes and makes the drive less stressful for vehicles too. We're already seeing increased scooter, e-bike and micro mobility use among residents as well as couriers and delivery workers and other people who work in the area. So adding this infrastructure also keeps workers safe.