Been in a Collision?


Be prepared in case of an incident on your bike, or when encountering a dangerous situation on a bike route. Use these resources to understand what to do at the scene and when you get home

Download this 'wallet card', sponsored by David Hay, K.C. from your full-service firm for cyclists; Richards Buell Sutton LLP.

Watch this video: In Conversation with David Hay, K.C. on legal rights & duties, and what to do if you've had a collision


At the Crash Scene

  • Check for injuries
  • Ensure driver stays at the scene
  • Call 911 or ask someone to call if anyone is hurt or there is property damage over $100
  • Get name and address information for any witnesses and ask them to remain at the scene
  • Get driver’s name, phone number, address, date of birth, driver license number & vehicle license plate number
  • Use your HUB-Richards Buell Sutton incident checklist (seen at left), given to all HUB members and program participants

If Police Attend Crash Scene

  • Get a copy of the accident report and/or case number
  • Record name & badge number of police officer
  • Request that a ticket be issued to driver if appropriate
  • Ask police to help if you require transportation from scene

When you go Home

  • See a doctor as soon as possible
  • Seek legal advice. Consider using this HUB member organization that cares deeply about the cycling community, and has long-standing cycling-specific and full-service legal experience: Richards Buell Sutton LLP 
  • If police did not attend, file a police report within 24 hours
  • File a claim with ICBC - call their Dial-A-Claim service (Metro Vancouver) 604.520.8222. Read HUB Cycling's Insurance page.
  • Photograph damage to your bicycle and injuries
  • Get estimate from bike shop before repairing anything
  • Document and save all related evidence (medical statements, receipts, records of lost work time, diary about injuries, etc)

Police Department Reporting Procedures

  • If you feel that you are in an emergency situation (collision, threatening road user, etc.) always call 911 immediately.
  • Try to get as much info as possible in as quickly as possible to help the police deal with the complaint. This info would ideally be date, time, and location of incident; description of driver, vehicle and license plate number; description of what occurred including direction of cycling and vehicle travel etc. Try to find a witness and get their contact info.
  • See the following steps which outline the manner in which we should address our non-urgent complaints. Please remember that all urgent complaints should be addressed to 911 as soon as possible. Let us know how your interaction with the police department goes.

How to report Non-urgent Issues

  • lets you map your collision or near miss, letting researchers understand trouble spots that they analyze and report to planners and engineers to fix
  • Want to report a route problem or hazard to your municipality? Find their contact info here
  • For complaints regarding a police-related issue please contact in Vancouver
  • For general enforcement requests and traffic related questions please contact in Vancouver
  • These are more general requests for action in a specific area and/or time where repeat offenses occur. These requests will be posted on a bulletin and officers will be made aware of the issue and can then act on it.

A Few More Points to Consider

  • Consider cc'ing Mayor and council for any serious concerns so that they will be aware of them. For Vancouver it is, Chief Chu at and HUB at  For other municipalities, find contact info here.
  • Addressing your concerns to the Chief Constable's office results in a log number for the complaint so that it can be followed and is a way in which VPD senior management track public opinion. It's a good idea for people cycling to use this avenue to make sure that the Chief's office is aware of road safety concerns of people cycling with respect to enforcement and other areas of concern with respect to people cycling/VPD relations.
  • It is clear that police officers are concerned about flagrant abuses of traffic regulations by people cycling and other road users. People cycling are, of course, very concerned and endangered by these abuses as well. We have discussed the need to enforce regulations (for all road users) that are dangerous if not rigorously followed, such as running red lights, racing through stop signs, and dangerous driving around pedestrians.
  • HUB is following up on a number of issues discussed briefly in the meeting but which we believe require more work, such as: a greater understanding of cycling-related traffic safety needs for traffic officers and bike theft.