Member Benefits - only for members with existing annual membership

If you hold a current annual HUB membership that has not yet expired (excluding lifetime memberships), you can see the list of HUB member beneift providers via this link.


We have asked our member benefit providers to continue to honor the HUB arranged discounts associated with annual memberships until their expiry date listed on the card.


If you require a copy of your HUB membership card or are having problems accessing your card, please contact



What do I get with a lifetime membership?

If you purchase or renew as a HUB lifetime member you will receive:

  • An official tax receipt 

  • Voting rights to elect HUB’s Board Directors at the Annual General Meeting (AGM)

  • Priority invitations to HUB Cycling events and calls to action

  • A dedicated team working on your behalf to improve cycling and deliver cycling education programs and events across Metro Vancouver