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Employer Matching

Did you know that you could help us double your donation? A matching donation from your employer could double or triple the impact of a donation that you’ve made to HUB Cycling.
Many companies will generously match your donation to HUB Cycling, including:
- Apple
- BC Housing
- Canadian Pacific Railway
- Electronic Arts
- Lenovo
- Northbridge Financial
- Provincial Employees Community Services Fund (for BC Public Service employees)
- Raymond James
- Seaspan
- Shaw Communications
- The Home Depot
- And many more…
Reach out to your HR, payroll, or charitable giving department to ask if they match charitable donations. Ask about the process and you might need to fill out a form or online portal. This step could help us reach our goal and get more people cycling more often.
If your workplace doesn’t have a matching program yet, ask them to start by matching your giving season donation. Your generosity might be the key for your employer to start matching charitable giving!
Does your employer care about the environment, health, equity, access, and transportation? We’re always looking for corporate donors who want to support cycling in Metro Vancouver. If your organization has a charitable giving manager, please send their contact information to