Our Strategic Plan

This strategic plan covers the time period of April 1, 2020 – March 31, 2025. To download a PDF of the Strategic Plan, please click here


Our mission 

To get more people cycling, more often. 

Our vision 

By 2030, more people in British Columbia cycle as a preferred mode of travel and recreation. 
This choice is supported by a culture that sees cycling as an essential mode of transportation and one which helps create livable, connected communities and healthy environments. 
All levels of government demonstrate their commitment to Vision Zero through education, policies and by increased investment in safe and comfortable infrastructure. 

Our core values 



We believe that cycling is an exceptional catalyst for creating healthy, happy, connected and livable communities. 


Cycling plays a fundamental role in meeting the social and environmental needs of the people of British Columbia. 


Working with all stakeholders - the general public, the private sector, and the public sector - is pivotal as the best results for improved cycling infrastructure, training and promotion come from working together. 



We welcome and celebrate the diversity of all British Columbians through our work. We also recognize that socio-economic and cultural barriers must be acknowledged and considered through our advocacy, training and promotion. 


Through the power of creativity, proactivity, and innovation we will adapt to and create new opportunities to introduce positive change and reach more people. 


We are accountable to our members, supporters, and the general public through our promotion, education and advocacy for cycling improvements. Evidence-based decisions, transparency, integrity and dialogue are core to how we conduct our work. This fosters trust among all stakeholders. 


  1. An expanded cycling network, with a focus on infrastructure that is comfortable for most users. 
  2. A network of strong HUB Cycling Local Committees that drive improvements in cycling infrastructure, education and promotion in their communities. 
  3. Improved and expanded cycling-related safety education for users of all transportation modes. 
  4. A modernized BC Motor Vehicle Act and other legislation to improve road safety and accountability for all. 
  5. Be British Columbia’s trusted resource for cycling infrastructure, education and promotion. 
  6. Strengthened relationships with the communities we currently serve, and expanded collaboration with new communities throughout British Columbia. 
  7. Expanded participation in our current programming, and a suite of new programs to attract new user groups. 
  8. Expanded and diversified funding sources to maximize organizational impact and sustainability. 
  9. Increased cycling among groups that may face social, cultural, and/or financial barriers to cycling. 
  10. Better capture and utilization of data that supports evidence-based decision-making around cycling. 

Key Performance Indicators 

Target: report twice per year on progress 
  • % of Metro Vancouver children we reach with HUB Cycling education programs at least once in their time between Grades 4 and 7 
  • Local Committee results 
    • Each LC to have an annual action plan, and we will monitor and report on progress against it using a scorecard, including: 
      • Letters and submissions to local authorities 
      • Events 
      • Administration, including agendas, minutes, and mailing list 
  • Media Mentions 
    • Number of traditional and social media mentions 
  • Participant Counts 
    • Incorporate details on counts of new/underserved groups 
  • Financial performance against annual budget and cash flow requirements 
  • Critical Infrastructure gaps closed, as documented on our Gap Priority List 

2025 Targets 

  • 100% of Metro Vancouver children reached with HUB Cycling education programs at least once in their time between Grades 4 and 7 by 2025 (2019 Baseline xx%) 
  • A BC Road Safety Act that recognizes active transportation, better protects vulnerable road users, and holds all road users accountable, has been implemented to replace the current MVA 
  • 2025 Mode Share target 4% (2016 Baseline 2.3% Metro % of commuters who cycle, Canadian Census) 
  • % of people living within 400 m of a safe cycling route 80% (2019 Baseline 65% - State of Cycling) 


What we do 

We make cycling better through education, research, action, and events. More people cycling means healthier, happier, more connected communities. 

  • Education: HUB Cycling educates road users to improve safety and comfort, and to promote awareness and understanding of each other. HUB provides cycling education to all ages. 
  • Research: HUB Cycling conducts, collaborates on, and publishes research to support better decisions on expanding active transportation in general and cycling in particular 
  • Action: HUB Cycling engages with governments, businesses, individuals, and community groups to promote awareness of cycling issues; create better facilities and policies; and encourage more people to cycle more often. 
  • Events: HUB Cycling runs events to engage the public in celebrating cycling; to encourage first-time cycling trips, and to build a fun and social community. 


1. Expand the cycling network, with a focus on infrastructure that is comfortable for most users 

  • Leverage the BC Active Transportation Strategy and BC Active Transportation Design Guide to create more high-quality cycling infrastructure improvements.
  • Maintain a regional Gap Priority List for needed infrastructure improvements. Utilize the State of Cycling database and associated maps to help identify gaps in the existing network, and to establish priorities for improvement. 
  • Work with funding bodies (Municipal, Regional, Provincial) to optimize criteria for cycling cost-share funding to create the most meaningful infrastructure and promotion improvements. 


2. Support and strengthen the ability of Local Committees to influence improvements in cycling infrastructure, education and promotion in their communities.

  • Expand the capacity and capabilities of Local Committees in the areas of advocacy, community engagement, infrastructure, and policy promotion
  • Ensure there is an active Local Committee in each municipality where HUB Cycling operates. Ensure that each Local Committee has a Board liaison 
  • Ensure that each Local Committee has an annual action plan that is reviewed each year 
  • Provide staff support for LC activities with respect to technical advice, best practices, and innovations. 
  • Provide staff campaign support for initiatives identified and actioned by Local Committees, with letter-writing applications, social media mentions, etc.
  • Increase the amount of engagement with decision-makers to improve cycling conditions (correspondence, meetings, presentations, etc) 
  • Support Local Committees in their work with municipalities to improve their bylaws relating to better cycling facilities 
  • Ensure that Local Committee attendance is strong and diverse which in turn will support better cycling improvement outcomes and accessibility. Consider succession planning and the role of strong institutional memory structures and processes to help the continuity of positive change and in maintaining stakeholder relationships. Ensure best practices are followed with respect to Local Committee administration. 
  • Enhance our volunteer recruitment, retention, and recognition processes. 


3. Improve and expand cycling-related safety education for users of all transportation modes. 

  • Expand the Provincial Everyone Rides Grade 4-5 and other school cycling education programs across BC, utilizing direct delivery, contract services, and other mechanisms. 
  • Reach more people with transportation cycling education, including using new technologies and online learning. 
  • Expand education offerings for seniors. 
  • Expand education for users of electric assist bikes. 
  • Work with ICBC, Road Safe BC, and other stakeholders to improve driver training and testing, including continuing education at renewals, as it relates to increased cycling safety. 
  • Implement and evaluate an expanded Newcomer Bike Mentorship Program with immigrant service sector partnerships. 


4. Modernize the BC Motor Vehicle Act and other legislation to improve road safety and accountability for all. 

  • Work with other stakeholders to achieve modernized road safety legislation that includes protection for vulnerable road users, acknowledges emerging micro-mobility devices, and is integrated with evolving ICBC insurance structures. 
  • Work with the BC Road Safety Law Reform group, the BC government, the media, and other stakeholders to effectively communicate the need and urgency to make changes. 


5. Be British Columbia’s trusted resource for information on cycling infrastructure, education and promotion. 

  • Increase visits to the HUB Cycling website and resource pages 
  • Increase the number of social media followers. 
  • Increase action media mentions 
  • Increase the number of contacts in the HUB Cycling database 
  • Ensure that the HUB Cycling brand is strong, leveraging the skills of marketing & communications staff and volunteers, including video, interactive and viral online outreach and other innovative platforms. 


6. Strengthen our relationships with the communities we currently serve, and seek opportunities to collaborate with new communities throughout British Columbia. 

  • Maintain and enhance relationships with other transportation-related organizations and government bodies 
  • Expand relationships in the Public Health area, including research areas that support improvements for active transportation 
  • Expand relationships with property developers and builders, including focus areas on facilities within new buildings, and the design of new communities
  • Increase Bike Friendly Business consulting services for businesses, developers and government. 
  • Expand relationships with cycling-related distributors and retailers, including both large chains and local bike shops. Be able to articulate a strong value proposition.
  • Investigate opportunities to promote cycle tourism, working with tourism agencies and leveraging HUB Cycling expertise and knowledge 
  • Inform and educate local transportation engineers and planners about new infrastructure guidelines (BC ATDG, TAC, etc) and encourage them to use the most current best practices. 
  • Expand engagement with First Nations populations for cycling promotion and education. 
  • Utilize Board directors as active ambassadors in the community, increasing the profile of HUB Cycling and engaging people with cycling-positive discourse. 


7. Grow participation in our current programming, and offer programming to attract new user groups. 

  • Increase the number of new participants taking part in annual events.
  • Increase post-event and post-program ridership levels 
  • Strengthen cross-promotion between events, education, research, and action work to increase the number of participants taking part in multiple programs or events offered by HUB Cycling 
  • Ensure that HUB Cycling programs are resilient to new technologies and dissemination opportunities, and creative in strategic cross-promotional partnerships and events. 
  • Explore new programming to reach new geographic, cultural, language, and First Nations communities. 


8. Grow and diversify funding sources to maximize our organizational impact and sustainability. 

  • Resolve the member/organizational member/donor/supporter model so as to best harness the support of those associated with HUB Cycling. 
  • Engage contacts with cycling improvement campaigns that compel them to donate or become members. 
  • Seek new corporate, government, foundation and community partners that can increase our capacity to make a positive impact. 
  • Ensure that programs and services are priced appropriately. 


9. Increase the number of people cycling among groups that may face social, cultural, and/or financial barriers to cycling. 

  • Implement expanded Newcomer Bike Mentorship Program in Vancouver and Surrey. 
  • Provide programming that specifically serves people that may face social, cultural, and/or financial barriers to cycling. 
  • Collaborate with these groups and related support agencies to identify programming needs in order to offer effective programming. 
  • Utilize sponsorship to provide free events/programs and no barrier pricing for those that need it. 
  • Provide communications and marketing in more languages and/or simplified English. 
  • Ensure that marketing materials include representation of diverse groups of people. 
  • Educate engineering and planning professionals and advocate for clear, coherent, consistent infrastructure, maps, signage, wayfinding that are low barrier regardless of language, background, ability and age. 

10. Capture and use data to support evidence-based decision making around cycling 

  • Maintain the State of Cycling database with planned updates every two years. Maintain an ongoing log of changes in local infrastructure so as to assist with those updates. 
  • Incorporate the HUB Cycling Gap Priority list within the State of Cycling database and maps, to help Local Committees better visualize gaps and prioritize them for local action. 
  • Ensure that State of Cycling route information is incorporated into action work at both the Local Committee and RAC level 
  • Expand research activities beyond the State of Cycling, as funding and opportunity allows 
  • Capture, analyze, and publish data to influence governments, community groups, the public, the private sector, and within our organization to make more evidence-based decisions around cycling infrastructure, education, and promotion. 
  • Maintain awareness of leading-edge sector changes including electrification and sharing of bicycles and other micromobilities, automated vehicles, ride-hailing, and their real and potential impacts on cycling.