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Help build a safe and connected network.
Over 40% of people want to cycle but currently don’t, and for many of them, it’s because they are scared of unsafe route conditions. We're working with municipalities, TransLink, and the provincial government to #UnGapTheMap across Metro Vancouver so that more people can cycle more often!
HUB Cycling's #UnGaptheMap campaign is a grassroots effort to improve cycling infrastructure in the Metro Vancouver area. The campaign aims to identify and prioritize gaps in the existing cycling network and advocate for implementing safe and accessible cycling infrastructure in these areas.
HUB Cycling's 10 Local Committees have identified priority gaps in their areas, which guides the organization's advocacy work.
See the Gaps
HUB Cycling's Gap Priority List is a comprehensive inventory of cycling infrastructure gaps in Metro Vancouver that urgently need improvement to make cycling safer and more accessible. Our 10 Local Committees have identified these priority gaps that would make the biggest difference to ridership and safety when filled.

HUB Cycling's Adopt-a-Gap campaign is a community-driven initiative aimed at filling the gaps in cycling infrastructure in Metro Vancouver. Through this program, individuals, businesses, and community groups can pledge to fund advocacy around improving a specific cycling infrastructure gap identified in HUB Cycling's Gap Priority List. This campaign enables the community to take an active role in creating safer and more accessible cycling routes for everyone.

Suggest a Gap
Join our crowdsourcing initiative to identify gaps in cycling infrastructure throughout Metro Vancouver. The community can contribute to creating a safer, more connected cycling network by submitting suggestions for new cycling routes or improvements to existing infrastructure. The data collected through this campaign helps HUB Cycling's Local Committees prioritize which gaps to address first through its advocacy and Adopt-a-Gap campaigns.
為幫助我們填補自行車網絡的重要空白地段,請作出您的建議! (Traditional Chinese)
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I help to #UnGapTheMap?
- Adopt-a-Gap to help sustain our #UnGapTheMap campaign.
- Join one of HUB Cycling's Local Committees who identify gaps and work with decision makers to #UnGapTheMap.
- Email your MLA and BC's elected decision-makers and encourage them to support the introduction of innovative solutions such as cycle highways.
- Tell your local elected official to #UnGapTheMap - let them know about the cycling network gaps that are affecting you and your community.
- Help us spread the word about #UnGapTheMap using this handy postcard which summarises the problem and how we're working to solve it.
Is #UnGapTheMap just a campaign, or is work being done to actually improve cycling?
#UnGapTheMap is our name for coordinated work by HUB Cycling Board, staff and Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) members, in close collaboration with 10 local HUB committees across Metro Vancouver, to define all ages and abilities (AAA) cycling infrastructure 'gaps' in the region.
These priority gaps are defined according to municipality, jurisdiction and type, as well as qualitative criteria related to ridership impact, utility, safety and feasibility. Using this prioritization framework, we have identified and prioritized over 400 priority gaps that if fixed would allow more people to cycle, more safely, more often.
Gaps are then mapped and our local committees work with community groups, funding partners and different levels of government to advocate for improvements to these routes.
Regardless of funding sources and levels, #UnGapTheMap gives HUB Cycling a master plan for defining and prioritizing cycling network gaps across the region, something which does not otherwise exist.
Where does funding for cycling improvements come from?
It depends on the jurisdiction within which they are built.
Transportation infrastructure that passes over, under, through or directly adjacent to areas owned by the Province of BC, TransLink, First Nations or private entities will usually be funded by those entities, in whole or in part, in cooperation with relevant municipal governments.
Examples of such projects include Ironworkers Memorial Bridge, Massey Tunnel, Northwest Marine Drive, Pattullo Bridge, and Stanley Park Causeway. Rapid or mass public transit is funded by the Province of BC by way of our independent transit authority, TransLink.
With few exceptions, the balance of the region's transportation funding comes from local, municipal governments.
No matter whether you drive, take transit, ride a bike or walk, each year a portion of the property and other taxes you pay goes towards the construction and maintenance of our highways, roads, multi-use paths and trails. This includes federal and provincial taxes.