New Westminster City Council calls for modernizing the Motor Vehicle Act

HUB Cycling is a member of the Road Safety Law Reform Group and has been pushing for the Province of BC to undertake a comprehensive review and reform of the outdated Motor Vehicle Act in order to better protect people cycling and walking. Our recommendations can be found here

We're excited that New Westminister's Mayor and Council voted in favour of the following motion to support modernizing the Motor Vehicle Act on February 19, 2018:

THAT Council endorse the Road Safety Law Reform Group of BC’s suggestions for modernizing the Motor Vehicle Act; and,
THAT Council consider sponsoring a resolution to the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), in support of modernizing the Motor Vehicle Act, and correspond with appropriate agencies and ministries in support of this initiative. 

HUB Cycling looks forward to encouraging more Metro Vancouver municipalities to follow New Westminster's lead. “Updated legislation, reframed as the Road Safety Act, would protect all road users, including our most vulnerable: those walking and cycling,” says Navdeep Chhina, HUB Cycling’s Director of Communications. “By reducing the potential for collisions, it would also benefit all road users including motorists by helping to keep ICBC costs low."

VIDEO: February 19th New Westminister City Council Meeting
Source: City of New Westminister