Learn How to Cycle Year-Round with HUB’s Free Winter Cycling Webinar

Unlike many other Canadian cities, Metro Vancouver has a climate that makes year-round cycling possible most days. With some preparation and knowledge, commuting by bike can still be a safe, comfortable, and affordable transportation option, even in colder, darker weather. 

To help folks prepare for winter riding, HUB Cycling is hosting a free Winter Cycling Webinar on International Winter Bike Day (Friday, February 9) from 12 -1 PM to inspire and educate people on the joys and practicalities of cycling year-round. Participants will learn about:

  • outfitting their bikes and themselves for winter riding, 
  • advanced cycling safety, cold-weather care for their bikes, and 
  • route planning considerations. 

An experienced HUB Cycling bike education instructor will teach the webinar. Participants can register for free here


“Figure out what bugs you the most when you ride in the winter, and solve that first.” - Lisa Corriveau, year-round cyclist for over 20 years.


Lisa Corriveau takes a selfie with her electric cargo bike. The ground is covered in snow. She wears a gray helmet, sunglasses, and a blue rain jacket.


Lisa is a passionate cyclist who has been year-round cycling for over two decades. Despite varying commutes ranging from 4-25 km, including biking combined with transit, Lisa pedals 3 km daily each way to get her kids to school—even in the snow!

Lisa prefers cycling due to its speed, reliability, and the sheer joy it brings to her daily routine. "I often bump into people I know and can chat with others cycling as we ride the same way," she shares. "The exercise is better than a cup of coffee to wake me up in the morning, and it's pretty much carbon-neutral to boot."

The key to winter cycling? Lisa says it’s all about the right gear but makes the point that you don’t need to go out and purchase a new wardrobe; most Vancouverites already own the essentials for winter biking - a raincoat, rain boots, gloves! 

Lisa’s pro tip: ”Figure out what bugs you the most when you ride in the winter (Cold fingers? Rain on your hair?) and solve that first. I recommend pogies for cold hands. Studded snow tires are great for the ice and light snow Vancouver tends to get. Put them on when the forecast goes below zero. Since you only use them two or three months a year, they'll last many seasons!”

Fairweather and regular bike commuters are invited to embrace the weather and head out for a ride this Winter. HUB Cycling encourages you to share your rides on social media and tag @hubcycling on Instagram or @WeAreHUB on Facebook and X. Participants can also get inspired by routes in their neighborhood by joining HUB Cycling’s Strava Club

To learn more about winter cycling and what you need to cycle all year round, sign up for HUB’s free Winter Cycling Webinar on February 9, from 12-1 PM.