Join HUB Cycling’s Board of Directors!

As a member-based organization, HUB Cycling is accountable to its members and is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the membership.

The Board Development Committee (BDC) of the HUB Cycling Board of Directors is now soliciting applications for directors from across Metro Vancouver.

This year, we are seeking the following to help increase the diversity and breadth of perspective of our Board:

  • new immigrants;
  • non-English first language;
  • single parents;
  • temporary or permanent residents;
  • living in precarious house conditions, low-income residents or persons facing financial barriers;
  • persons living with visible and/or non-visible disability.


A button that reads: Apply Here

The deadline to apply is 10 am on August 20.

Information Session: We encourage you to attend an optional information session to learn more about the Board. More details about these sessions can be found at