HUB Recommendations to Provincial Government on Climate Action

April 7, 2016

Deadline for public submissions is April 8, 2016 at noon

The Province of BC will release its final Climate Leadership Plan in the spring of 2016, and HUB Cycling is very supportive of government intentions to address climate change.

Like many, we feel an important component of this work is improved infrastructure and promotion of public transit, cycling, walking and other modes of active transportation.

After review of the draft Climate Action recommendations, the HUB Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) has written and submitted the following additional recommendations to the province, and encourage the public to send their comments by tomorrow, Friday April 8 at noon:

Role of Cycling in Supporting Climate Action

Cycling can play a big role in reducing GHG emissions in the transportation sector; in addition to being a 'clean' and 'green', more cycling means fewer car trips. We support increased use of mobility options that reduce GHG emissions, and recommend that
cycling be named explicitly, and not grouped under “other mobility options” (BC recommendation #23).

Increase Cycling Cost-Share Funding

We support the BCCC’s call for accelerated provincial investment ​​in walking and cycling, totalling $100 million per year over 10 years ($1 billion for bikes).

Increased cycling mode share targets ('High Shift' scenario - 12% by 2030; 16% by 2050) are only possible with high quality bike infrastructure, such as bike highways. Facilities designed to physically protect bicycles from motor vehicle traffic, and for safe, direct and longer distance cycling require accelerated investment.

Allocate Carbon Tax Funds to Climate Action

The provincial carbon tax should be designated to investments that further reduce carbon emissions, rather than general revenue.

Fulfill Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Cycling Policy

Ensure that all new and upgraded highways and bridges receive adjacent cycling facilities, as committed in the Province’s cycling policy.

Leverage Technology Advances

Emerging technology like e-bikes and 'smart bikes' as part of public bike share programs should be exempt from PST, and encouraged/incentivized by the provincial government.

Develop a Provincial Active Transportation Strategy

A comprehensive BC Active Transportation Strategy would include research, goals and strategies to achieve mode share & GHG reduction targets, infrastructure funding, improved standards, increased maintenance, education, promotion, motor vehicle speed control and improvements to the Motor Vehicle Act, as part of the groundwork to providing a complete multi-modal transportation system for people of all ages and abilities.

End-of-Trip Facilities

Recommendations should include not just transportation infrastructure but end of trip infrastructure such as adequate public and private bike parking. Incentives could be added for commercial enterprises, such as employee parking payouts, mileage paid for cycling to work-related destinations, allowances or reimbursements for active transportation expenses.

Land Use to Promote Active Transportation & Complete Streets

Land use guidelines should encourage mixed uses so that people live and work within walking and biking distance of their daily needs. Communities should be designed to have Complete Streets.

Education & Encouragement

Cycling education should be publicly accessible, in schools and community centres, so that BC residents can learn to safely, comfortably, and joyfully ride a bike for transportation. The Province should endorse the Bike Right cycling education standard and help to fund access to this type of education.

The deadline for feedback to the Province of BC's Climate Action consultation guide is tomorrow - April 8, 2016 at noon. Don't miss your chance to contribute - visit their website.