Help Make Cycling Part of BC's Climate Action Plan

August 13, 2015

The Province of BC is developing a Climate Leadership Plan, and is seeking input from British Columbians on Climate Action values and priorities, based on how we live, work and travel.

Your feedback is used to help inform actions to address climate change and reach our emission reduction goals.


Vancouver's current rate of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions per capita is 4.6 metric tonnes - similar to Tokyo or Stockholm.  At 2% cycling mode share in Metro Vancouver, Vancouver is leading the shift to less carbon intensive transportation with 50% of all trips in the city now made by bike, transit or on foot. 

To support real climate action, we need to pursue more aggressive goals, such as one finds in cities like Copenhagen, where per capita GHG emissions are less than half of Vancouver. More people of all ages and abilities should be encouraged to make trips of 10km or less by bike, and to feel comfortable doing so. Every city in BC should target cycling mode share of 15-20%. 

With a massive boom in cycling happening across the province, this is possible, but serious commitments are needed.

The Climate Action Imperative

We need more protected lanes, regional connections, parking and end-of-trip facilities, bike-friendly policies, and laws enforcing safe road use - across BC.

HUB supports the recommendations of the BC Cycling Coalition for the B.C. Government to:

  • Invest $100 million per year in to upgrade cycling & walking facilities on provincial roads and bridges, and complete cycling networks in communities across the province within 10 years
  • Commit $1.8 billion overall (10-20-year timeframe) to support cycling across the province in meeting aggressive mode share targets
  • Provide safe routes to school for children
  • Build trails for cycling & walking tourists
  • Update standards and policies to encourage high quality cycling and walking facilities on new and upgraded roads and bridges and new developments
  • Actively support cycling skills training for children, cycling education for adults, and community events like Bike to Work Week
  • Encourage and promote increases to the average distance of cycling trips in BC through policies and infrastructure supporting electric bikes (e-bikes)

How Will Climate Action be Funded?

Possible funding mechanisms vary, and could include updates to tax policies such as the Carbon Tax, introduction of mobility pricing, or reallocation of funding from highway projects to active transportation.

Identified specific funding sources are not part of the province's current consultation questions but may be part of your priorities for Climate Action. Open-ended comment sections allow you to talk about your priorities for cycling and funding structures.

Tell the Province of BC your priorities and ideas - read this Discussion Paper, and then complete the survey by Monday, Aug. 17th at 4pm. After that, the deadline for written submissions is September 14 and information is available here.