B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Survey 2021

September 23, 2021

The B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is conducting a survey about the services it provides. 

The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and the deadline to submit feedback is September 30th. 

Spoiler alert: You have to answer 23 questions before you get to questions pertaining to Active Transportation!

If you are short on time, we recommend that you focus your attention on questions 24, 26 and 27, listed below.


24. How would you rate the availability of Active Transportation in your community?*

*Ministry infrastructure (highways, rural roads) in your community that supports non-motorized transportation like walking, cycling, or rolling using a skateboard, in-line skates, wheelchair, or other forms of human-powered transportation.

  • Very poor
  • Poor
  • Neutral
  • Good
  • Very good
  • Not applicable


26. Thinking about your experiences with the B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure from the last three years, and the services that have been listed here, what services should the ministry continue to provide?


27. Share any other comments you have about the services provided by the B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.

For this question, here are HUB Cycling's observations which we encourage you to modify, include your own experience, and share in the survey.

  • BC MoTI should increase its investment in active transportation infrastructure so that people can get where they need to go safely and comfortably.
  • The Ministry has the policy to build cycling facilities with all new and improved highways and they nearly always neglect this responsibility, stranding people without a personal motor vehicle. 
  • MOTI should plan for and build cycling highways, that allow for convenient, direct, paved, lit, long-distance bikeways with minimal intersections.
  • Many communities have poor to no public transit, so providing safe options to walk, cycle, and take other micromobilities safely is key to accessibility, equity and inclusivity.
  • The ministry should follow its own advice as set out in the BC Active Transportation Strategy and Design Guidelines.  They should require that all staff and contractors understand and abide by the strategy and guidelines, and provide training and support to municipalities to improve their active transportation networks.
  • MoTI should continue to expand its support for cycling education in schools so that every child in the province learns to cycle safely and confidently for transportation.