BC Budget Report Recommends Increased Investment in Cycling and Walking

December 4, 2017

The B.C. Finance Committee's report on the 2018 Budget consultations recommends the creation of an Active Transportation Strategy including increased investment in active transportation infrastructure, education, promotion and safety. This marks the first time the creation of active transportation strategy has been mentioned in a budget report, an important step forward. Still, work needs to be done to ensure the B.C. Government promptly moves forward on the creation of a strategy and commits the resources needed to create and implement a great active transportation that will enable everyone to safely cycle for their daily trips.


HUB Cycling's submission focussed on the significant return on investment that cycling brings. Page 41 of the report reads:


"Active transportation proponents, such as HUB Cycling, noted that provincial and municipal spending in this area is small and inadequate to meet demand, while the return on investment is high as governments save on health care, pollution and congestion, insurance and public safety costs."


ACTION: Show your support by emailing the Premier in support of an Active Transportation Strategy and increased investment in cycling. Tell them what the problems and solutions are in your community and what investing $100 million/year in bike paths and protected bike lanes and a BC Active Transportation Strategy would mean for your family and friends.