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Action Alert: City of Surrey draft budget proposes cuts to repaving program, bike and sidewalk program, and land acquisition program.
TAKE ACTION: Write an email to the Mayor and Councillors know that you want safer roads in Surrey and you support a one percent increase to 2019-2023 Road and Traffic Safety Utility Levy. Written comments (please include your name and address) are being accepted till 4 pm on Monday, December 17. |
You can also copy and paste from template below. Email addresses:,,,,,,,,,,,, Suggested subject line: Support Safer Streets - Maintain the planned increase to the Road and Tax Levy. Suggested copy: Dear Mayor and Councillors I am writing to show my support for safer roads in Surrey and the one percent increase to the 2019-2023 Road and Traffic Safety Utility Levy. Surrey is growing rapidly, and traffic congestion will become more and more of a problem unless we provide people with other travel options. Cycling is affordable, convenient and healthy. 41% of people are interested in cycling for transportation but don't because they are too afraid to ride on the streets. Surrey needs to build more cycling infrastructure that is suitable for people of all ages and abilities. In 2017 alone, there were 9 pedestrian deaths and numerous serious cycling and pedestrian injuries in Surrey. The 1% levy increase would provide safer cycling and walking infrastructure, while significantly reducing road injuries and fatalities - part of the City's Vision Zero philosophy. Please vote for a budget that restores the one percent increase to 2019-2023 Road and Traffic Safety Utility Levy. |
"Personally, I am disappointed in this decision," said Tim Yzerman, Chair of HUB Cycling Surrey-White Rock Local Committee. "As a resident of Surrey for my entire life, I have seen the city grow around me, along with the infrastructure. Much of the road infrastructure in Surrey was built for vehicle traffic and many arterial and collector roads do not include any provision for cycling and only provide narrow sidewalks which are often partially blocked with utility poles. The cycling infrastructure that does exist on the streets mostly consist of dangerously narrow bike lanes or shared facilities which force cyclists to share a lane with vehicles. Many drivers do not share the road well leading to frustration and road rage often shown to cyclists by close passes and insults, both of which I have experienced riding my bike in Surrey."
Click here to read HUB Cycling's letter of recommendations to the Finance Committee.
More information about the draft budget is available at