Bike to School

 HUB Cycling offers bike skills and safety instruction to students from Grades 4 through 7. Our curriculum is on the Bike Right standard and offers courses and activities for Grades 3 and up, as well as promoting and growing Metro Vancouver’s Bike to School Week.

Courses are free to students and public schools across Metro Vancouver schools thanks to support from municipal, regional, provincial and private funders.

Partnering up with our Bike to School team allows your school the opportunity to:

  • Promote cycling as a fun, healthy & social way to exercise, be independent, and get around.
  • Offer an avenue to build and increase cycling skills.
  • Take an active role in promoting bike knowledge, including safe and responsible cycling for transportation.

Other resources available to you include:

Interested in having HUB Cycling come to your school? 



Our programs work with pairs of grades (Gr 4 & 5 or Gr 6 & 7) so that programs are delivered no more frequently than every two years. Each season, we begin our outreach to schedule school programs several months in advance - December to January for the spring season, and June for the fall. After you've submitted your school's interest, we will follow up within two weeks to let you know if/when funding is available in your municipality. 




A bike instructor inspects a bike with two students.


An introductory course for grades 4/5 that gets students excited about urban cycling and introduces them to basic road rules and safe cycling concepts. Taught by trained instructors over 2 days, students learn through classroom activities and on-bike skills practice on the schoolgrounds. Take a look at this program in action here!

A bike education instructor holds up four fingers as a student looks over his shoulder to see how many fingers she is holding up.

Ride The Road

Targeted to grades 6-7, Ride the Road introduces students to the freedom and responsibilities of cycling in an urban setting. Taking place over 4-5 days, this course explores basic bike maintenance and road safety, and culminates in a small group neighbourhood road ride in the school’s community.

Four girls stand with their bikes on school grounds.

Everyone Rides Grade 4-5

An exciting cycling education program targeting all grade 4 & 5 students in Metro Vancouver, Kelowna, the Capital Regional District (Victoria), Prince George and growing. With the continued support from the BC Active Transportation Strategy, our goal is to implement this program province-wide!

A group of about twenty students led by a couple of adults ride their bikes on a residential street as part of a "bike bus".

Bike Bus Program

Get more kids biking to school with HUB Cycling’s new and exciting Bike Bus Program! The Bike Bus program will start in April 2025 in a few select Metro Vancouver and Victoria Area elementary schools. Learn how to start your own Bike Bus.



Want to do more to encourage your students to ride to school? Register your interest for Bike to School Week today!

Every spring our popular Bike to School Week event occurs around the last week of May/early June. This annual celebration encourages students of all ages to bike, roll, or walk to school. Join over 150 schools across the region and enhance green initiatives already happening at your school, build community, and highlight the benefits of active transportation - like less congestion and healthy, energized students. Register your schools today.



Check out our reach as of the start of 2025:


Online and Blended Learning Options:

When schools had to close their doors in Spring 2020, we redirected our momentum into building a self-guided online learning resource for students. This enabled us to offer two online courses to complement our two existing Bike to School curriculums: Learn2Ride Online and Ride the Road Online, allowing us to deliver Blended Programs (online and outdoors). We have returned to fully in-person course delivery, but if you are interested in using the online courses as a teaching tool, please let us know. 

Learn2Ride Online is open and freely available to all beginner riders of British Columbia. Visit our information page to preview the course and learn how to gain access. 


Thank you to our generous sponsors!

Sponsor logos

 Thank you as well to our supporters!

Supporter logos


HUB Cycling is able to deliver courses in schools thanks to generous funding from TransLink, municipalities, and grants. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest updates, or fill out our Bike to School Course Interest form to hear from our coordinators directly when your school becomes eligible for a program.


In our Bike to School programs, we provide opportunities for all children to be able to experience our activities on bikes. Thanks to a grant from the GoodLife Kids Foundation, we are able to offer a variety of adapted bikes to support those with a variety of needs and mobility issues. These bikes ensure that all children, regardless of their abilities, can participate in a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable way. Since joining our fleet in 2017, these bikes have allowed many young riders in Metro Vancouver to progress in their love and appreciation of cycling.