Your Stories

HUB Members - Tell Us Your Story!

HUB members are the foundation of the work we do to make cycling better in Metro Vancouver, and they all have great stories!

If you’re a HUB member, send us your story - tell us why you cycle, why being a HUB member is important to you, why you started biking, your favorite ride or most challenging adventure...whatever inspires you. Keep it to 400 words or less, include a photo and your story could make it into the next newsletter, and on our website.

Lisa - "I never felt the need to buy a car..that hasn't changed since we had 2 children"

Meet our Members!


HUB members are passionate individuals, families and organizations who are committed to making cycling in Metro Vancouver safer and more accessible to everyone!


Meet Lisa Corriveau, who holds a ‘Family Membership’ with HUB and who is a cycling advocate and blogger at


Why are you a HUB member?